Season of Creation Communion Liturgy

close up of a wheat plant in a cropland

Photo by Renato Abati on

I wrote this communion liturgy for Season of Creation. There are places for people to shout out various parts of creation that they celebrate and pray for. It uses the Kingsfold Communion Set for sung responses. This may be found in More Voices (United Church of Canada) # 203-205.







One: We come to Christ’s table where all are welcome. We come with our human imperfections and mistakes. We come with our grief and our joy. From oldest to youngest we are all welcome at this table.

One:      Holy one, Creator of earth and sky and sea, you filled your creation with abundance. You filled the sea with many creatures. We give thanks for…

All:          (shout out creatures that live in water)

One:      You filled the sky with creatures that fly. We give thanks for…

All:          (shout out creatures of the air)

One:      You spread your abundance over the earth. We give thanks for…

All:          (shout out creatures that live on land)

One:      And beyond the earth you created a whole universe of wonders…stars, planets, moons, asteroids. You created wonders on earth and beyond that we have yet to see or fathom.

All:          We celebrate creatures and waterfalls, the flowers of summer, the harvest of gardens and fields. We give thanks for all the ways we see and experience you in creation. You are creator and life-giver who fills us with breath.

One:      You place your breath in us just as you placed it in Jesus of Nazareth. As we remember his life, death and resurrection, we experience your love. Through time and space, you are a constant presence and so we sing:

Sing:     Holy, Holy, Holy (More Voices # 203)

One:      We remember Jesu’s life as he ministered with the broken and hurting of the world. We remember Jesus as he witnessed suffering, experienced grief and loss, felt physical pain. As we gather in this place, we remember our own experiences of suffering, grief and loss. We witness the pain of the creation destroyed by human brokenness. We remember in silence or outloud…

All:          (shout out situations of pain and suffering)

One:      With the weight of the world on his shoulders, Jesus gathered for one last meal with family and friends. They gathered around the table as Jesus broke bread and shared wine. Hours later, it was all over and Jesus was dead. But the pain, suffering, grief and loss will not have the word in the story of life.

Sing:      Memorial Acclamation (More Voices # 204)

One:      The breath of God’s spirit moves within us, within the gifts of bread, and wine and water, binding and mending the brokenness of the world, uniting us with all creation.

Sharing the Feast

Sing:      Great Amen (More Voices # 205)

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